I'm traveling today and sitting in one of the lounges, and I'm here listening to a 40-something gentleman talking to hist colleagues or friends, and he says "Couple of years ago I bought a plasma, and recently I got a new TV, it's a, a, a HDTV." One friend asks "What type?" The responds is, of course, "I don't know." He went on to say "The technology in the last few years has really, you know, gotten better." Well said, Mr. Consumer. You have no idea what you've bought. You heard your neighbor got a new HDTV, and his neighbor got one, and you just had to keep up with the Jones'.
I don't understand why people buy shit they know nothing about? Why fucking buy it if you're not going to take an interest in it? I mean, I'm sure this guy at least reads his dinner menu before he orders. Maybe not, maybe he just asks someone else what he would like. I hope he's continually served
brussels sprouts. I hate dumb consumers: it leads to dumb products.