Monday, December 27, 2010

WeetHet - TiVo - DirecTV Remote control tricks

WeetHet - TiVo - DirecTV Remote control tricks: "OK, so you recorded a show and you want to move through the commercials a bit faster. You could us the fastforward button.
This takes some practice though. There is definitly an easier way to do it ... a little trick what ReplayTV owners have: the 30 seconds skip.

A little remote control trick allows us to 'reprogram' the goto-the-end button:

Start the TiVo and either watch live TV or watch some movie you recorded (Now Playing). The press the following keys o your remote:

Select - Play - Select - 3 - 0 - Select

The button will now perform a 30 seconds skip, each time when you press it."

Saturday, October 23, 2010

LIRC on Gentoo is always screwed up

Why oh why is the current stable (0.8.5) build still messed up? Anyway, once again I have to use an unstable, this time because the build errors out with:

"cannot stat `./../lirc_dev/Module*.symvers': No such file or directory"

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sun Ovens Solar Cooking Oven

Sun Ovens Solar Cooking Oven

TinkerTool: Description

TinkerTool: OSX Tool for hidden features

Jeremy's Toolblox � 2010 � September

Jeremy's Toolblox � 2010 � September

ASRock's High-End Vision 3D HTPC Reviewed - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News

ASRock's High-End Vision 3D HTPC Reviewed - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News

Paintball Notes

Invert Mini SE 2009, Titanium Gray
Invert Nightstick
Invert Prevail Pants
Empire Contact tZ Pants, Silver
Empire jerzey tZ, Black
Invert Reloader2
Empire XLT Rolling Gear Bag
Empire 16 Tee
Empire Freebasin Tee
Empire Reform hat
Empire 2600 hat
Crossfire 68/4500
Eclipse Ego Market
Spyder 50cal Advancer (Ultimate Woodsball League) (Camp Pendleton, 6 acres airsoft) (13 fields, W,F,Sa nights)

SC Village membership packages

New PC & moving itunes library �

New PC & moving itunes library �

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fanless PSU Torture Test Roundup |

Fanless PSU Torture Test Roundup | "Seasonic X-400 Fanless
* Highest >90% efficiency
* Silent
* Extremely hardy in hot conditions
* Top Electrical performance
* OTP works well
* Hardly any buzz
* Innovative engineering
* Top quality components & build
* All modular cables
* 5-year warranty * Price? About the only thing we could quibble about... but then all fanless PSUs are pricey. At $140, this is one seems well worth the money."

Cable & tip selector

Cable & tip selector: "iGo 130w Everywhere
Smart tip S4^ and “Magsafe cable for Macbook or Macbook Pro” or “3rd Gen Magsafe cable”"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Replacing a degraded drive in a 3Ware Array Unit, and that crazy "u?" unit

Well THAT was annoying.. Last night I tried to replace a degraded drive in my array and it was not as simple as I had previously observed. Here's what the array looked like before replacing the drive:

> /c6 show

Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-6 DEGRADED - - 64K 2793.94 ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
p0 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 0 - ST31000528AS
p4 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 4 - WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0
p5 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 5 - WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
p6 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 6 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0
p7 DEGRADED u0 931.51 GB SATA 7 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0

Note the drive isn't actually failed.
Next I pulled the drive, and loaded the replacement. Here's what tw_cli showed now:

# tw_cli /c6 show

Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-6 DEGRADED - - 64K 2793.94 ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
p0 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 0 - ST31000528AS
p4 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 4 - WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0
p5 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 5 - WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
p6 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 6 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0
p7 OK u? 931.51 GB SATA 7 - WDC WD10EVDS-63U8B0

What does "u?" mean in the Unit column? It means that the controller is going to refuse to use it...

# tw_cli maint rebuild c6 u0 p7
The following drive(s) cannot be used [7].
Error: (CLI:144) Invalid drive(s) specified.

After hours of surfing the web, I never found a solution, but I didn't figure it out. Since the original drive didn't outright fail, I decide to swap it BACK IN, and then forcefully remove it from the array, and then replace it.

# tw_cli /c6/p7 remove
Removing /c6/p7 will take the disk offline.
Do you want to continue ? Y|N [N]: y
Removing port /c6/p7 ... Done.

# tw_cli /c6 show

Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-6 DEGRADED - - 64K 2793.94 ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
p0 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 0 - ST31000528AS
p4 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 4 - WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0
p5 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 5 - WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
p6 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 6 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0

Now I replaced the old bad drive with the new drive.

# tw_cli /c6 show

Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-6 DEGRADED - - 64K 2793.94 ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
p0 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 0 - ST31000528AS
p4 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 4 - WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0
p5 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 5 - WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
p6 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 6 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0
p7 OK - 931.51 GB SATA 7 - WDC WD10EVDS-63U8B0

Ah, now that's better, it's no longer showing that "u?" in the Unit column.

Next I forced the rebuild using the new drive:

# tw_cli maint rebuild c6 u0 p7
Sending rebuild start request to /c6/u0 on 1 disk(s) [7] ... Done.

# tw_cli /c6 show

Unit UnitType Status %RCmpl %V/I/M Stripe Size(GB) Cache AVrfy
u0 RAID-6 REBUILDING 0%(A) - 64K 2793.94 ON ON

VPort Status Unit Size Type Phy Encl-Slot Model
p0 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 0 - ST31000528AS
p4 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 4 - WDC WD10EACS-00D6B0
p5 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 5 - WDC WD10EADS-00L5B1
p6 OK u0 931.51 GB SATA 6 - WDC WD10EADS-00M2B0
p7 DEGRADED u0 931.51 GB SATA 7 - WDC WD10EVDS-63U8B0

Hooray. Rebuilding. A few hours later the rebuild completed.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Another drive bites the dust..

This time, in 266 days:

6384 hours online

And by unusable, I mean that my RAID6 card has now degraded the array and won't trust it anymore. And why should it after these sort of errors:

Jul 09, 2010 09:16:23PM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x262A8AE1
Jul 09, 2010 09:16:19PM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x262A8ADF
Mar 30, 2010 09:27:47AM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x29ED55DB
Mar 30, 2010 09:27:44AM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x29ED558D
Mar 30, 2010 09:27:41AM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x29ED550A
Jan 02, 2010 10:03:49AM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x2E5FD932
Jan 02, 2010 10:03:45AM (0x04:0x0023): Sector repair completed: port=7, LBA=0x2E5FD927

Plenty more where that came from... oh well....

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010



Turns out I wasn't even using VDPAU because I wasn't using the correct profile.

nspluginwrapper 1.3.0 and adobe-flash 10.1

Gentoo Forums :: View topic - nspluginwrapper 1.3.0

My .xinitrc for my Mythtv Frontend

# .xinitrc
#[ -x /usr/bin/nvidia-settings ] && /usr/bin/nvidia-settings -l
/usr/bin/xset s noblank
/usr/bin/unclutter &
#/usr/bin/xset s off
/usr/bin/xset -dpms s off
/usr/bin/xsetroot -solid black
#/usr/bin/evilwm &
amixer set IEC958 mute
aplay -D spdif /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav # Needed this for a bug in my Abit AB9 Pro on-board audio
amixer set IEC958 unmute

#/usr/bin/mythfrontend -geometry 1920x1075 -l /var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log -v all

# works below
#/usr/bin/mplayer -fs -vo xv -ao alsa:device=spdif -ac hwac3 /2111_20090306200000.nuv
#/usr/bin/xbmc -fs -l > /tmp/xbmc

New entries in /var/log/messages: listen: Time ... ignore: Time

Jun 27 10:02:31 frontend listen: Time
Jun 27 10:02:36 frontend ignore: Time
Jun 27 10:02:42 frontend listen: Time
Jun 27 10:02:47 frontend ignore: Time
Jun 27 10:02:53 frontend listen: Time

Got this after my latest world emerge. Restarted LCDd and not getting it anymore. I should probably reboot my system after all of these updates and figure out what else has gone nutty.... in due time.

Listing files from Gentoo packages

# epm -ql adobe-flash

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Some days I hate the gentoo package system...

I didn't originally emerge "x11-libs/qt-webkit-4.4.2" because I felt like it, it did it automatically because it was a dependency, so why do I have to unmerge the darn thing myself?!?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Installing XBMC on Gentoo

9.11r4 just wont phucking install, dependencies are just not right today.
Installed the 9999 version (SVN)

# echo "=media-tv/xbmc-9999 **" >> /etc/portage/package.keywords
# emerge -pqv =media-tv/xbmc-9999

Monday, June 7, 2010

VPN Services

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

mplayer using VPDAU

vi ~/.mplayer/config:

# Video
# Audio

You could put options in conf, comma in end means fallback to default if earlier options don't work.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Synergy+ , keyboard wouldn't work

Well, I bought a MacBook Pro, and except for the god aweful price, I love it so far. Now I have a work system running XP & Vista, and while I do have a KVM I knew about this software called Synergy+, an update of an older software called Synergy. Anyways, installed it, and the mouse worked across machines, but the keyboard just would not work *except* for the Apple key (whatever it's called)... after a quick bit of searching I found some people were installing SynergyKM or other software to fix this issue. This led me to wonder what really this extra software might be doing, and then I found the following in the Synergy+ code:

LOG((CLOG_ERR "Synergy server requires accessibility API enabled. Please check the option for \"Enable access for assistive devices\" in the Universal Access System Preferences panel. Unintentional key-replication will occur until this is fixed."));

Ah ha! I only have Accessibility turned on for my mouse. Turned on for Keyboard and everything works. It's great.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Controlling VMware Virtual Machines from the Command Line with vmrun - Virtuatopia

Controlling VMware Virtual Machines from the Command Line with vmrun - Virtuatopia

VMware Communities: vmrun - Error: The specified service ...

i've installed vmware-server 2 on Gentoo 2008.0.

Installed Versions:




Everything works fine from a remote machine, but if i want to start up a VM from console via vmrun, i get this error message:

Error: The specified service provider was not found

Any suggestions how i can fix this problem?

VMware Communities: vmrun - Error: The specified service ...: "The problems seem to stem from the fact that you don't have the 'vix.libdir' setting in your global configuration file. Usually this is set in /etc/vmware/config by having a line like:
vix.libdir = '/opt/vmware/vix/lib'

If you add this, vmrun should start working."

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How To Resize RAID Partitions (Shrink & Grow) (Software RAID) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials

How To Resize RAID Partitions (Shrink & Grow) (Software RAID) | HowtoForge - Linux Howtos and Tutorials: "2.2 Growing An Intact Array

Boot into your rescue system and activate all needed modules:

modprobe md
modprobe linear
modprobe multipath
modprobe raid0
modprobe raid1
modprobe raid5
modprobe raid6
modprobe raid10

Then activate your RAID arrays:

cp /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf_orig
mdadm --examine --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

mdadm -A --scan

Now we can grow /dev/md2 as follows:

mdadm --grow /dev/md2 --size=max

--size=max means the largest possible value. You can as well specify a size in KiBytes (see previous chapter)."

Linux Online - Extending a logical volume

Linux Online - Extending a logical volume: "jfs

Just like XFS the JFS file system must be mounted to be resized and the mount-point is specified rather than the device name. You need at least Version 1.0.21 of the jfs-utils to do this.

# mount -o remount,resize /home"

Sofware Raid and Grub HOW-TO

Sofware Raid and Grub HOW-TO: "Grub>device (hd0) /dev/sdb (/dev/hdb for ide) Grub>root (hd0,0) and then: Grub>setup (hd0)"

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Linksys WRT610N v2.0 - DD-WRT Wiki

Linksys WRT610N v2.0 - DD-WRT Wiki

Worked like a charm.

DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Unbrick / Install WRT610N V1&V2 using TFTP and DD-WRT

DD-WRT Forum :: View topic - Unbrick / Install WRT610N V1&V2 using TFTP and DD-WRT

Some useful WRT610n notes, but you don't need TFTP as there's a way to put the router into Management Mode where you can upload the original Linksys FW.

WRT610N doesn't detect USB hard disk - Wireless Routers - Linksys Community Forums

WRT610N doesn't detect USB hard disk - Wireless Routers - Linksys Community Forums

30-30-30 reset for Linksys WRT610n v2 got me out of a jam while loading DD-WRT... up and running great now!

1. DO A HARD RESET *BEFORE AND AFTER* YOU FLASH FIRMWARE. This does not mean hitting the reset button and saying you are done. This means doing the 30-30-30 reset. To do a 30-30-30 reset you must push the reset button with your router powered on. Hold it for 30 seconds with the router powered on. STILL holding it, pull the power cord for 30 seconds. Still holding it, plug the router back in. You will have held the button for a full 90 seconds without releasing it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

27-inch iMac gets another display firmware update, everyone else gets minor iTunes update -- Engadget

27-inch iMac gets another display firmware update, everyone else gets minor iTunes update -- Engadget

One of those *minor* iTunes updates is a few sync issues, one of which has now dropped my sync of over 30 minutes down to 5 or so *seconds*. Glad my syncs are fast now, of course I wonder if it's really syncing fully now....